Each summation (a summary post) is written about a single journal article and linked with that article via the article’s DOI. In case of publications with multiple authors, summations are written by the first author of the journal publication. Alternatively, in some cases, summations can also be written by the last author.

If you are a published academic author and you are interested in writing summations for your articles, please follow the steps below to get started.

Step 1: Sign in or register

Sign in to your Summation account. If you do not have an account, you can follow our guide below:

Creating your account

If you registered before with the Reader account, but you would like to get Academic Writer account, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be able to assist your with that.

Step 2: Start drafting your Summation

Each post aims to provide our readers with answers to the following questions:

To start drafting your Summations, click on the + icon in the top right corner and then select Create Summation.


Next, you will be prompted to enter the article for which you are writing the summary. To get the article information, you can simply enter the DOI and click on GET ARTICLE button, which will automatically get the rest of the article information.

If the DOI is not identified in our database, then you will be asked to enter the article title manually.

After the article information, you will be asked to select the academic discipline associated with this work. Finally, you will be asked to answer three questions as shown below.