Summations platform provides easy access to academic publications (e.g., journal articles) by enabling improved comprehension through verified summaries and instant definitions.

You can integrate Summations into your teaching, expose your students to academic articles while enabling them to have an understanding of the advanced material and help them improve their scientific literacy.

Follow the steps below to curate a list of articles/summaries for your course and share it with your students.

Step 1 - Sign in

Sign in to your Summation account. If you do not have an account, you can follow our guide below:

Creating your account

Step 2 - Create a course

You can create a course in two ways: (1)directly from the Home page or (2) from the My courses page.

Method 1 - From the Home page

To create a course from the Home page, first click on the + button in the top right corner and then click on Create Course.


Method 2 - From the My courses page

To create a course from the My courses page, first navigate to the My Courses page using the drop down menu from the navigation bar. Click on the Graduation Cap Icon in the top right corner to trigger the drop down menu, the click on My Courses.


Once you are there, click on the CREATE COURSE blue button on the right side.


Step 3 - Enter the course details

Once you have navigated to the course creation page, enter the course details: