Congratulations! You have created a course, now is the time to assign your first Summation article to your course.

There are two methods for adding Summations to Assigned Readings for a course.

You first need to click on the Bookmark Icon, and then, you can choose to add it to your reading list or to add it to one of your courses (which will automatically add it to your reading list as well).

Method one

The first one is directly from the Summation article. When you open a Summation to read it, you can choose to add it to your reading list or to add it to a course as assigned reading. You can do this by using the Bookmark Icon, which can be found under the Summation article title on the Summations reading page.


Method Two

The second method is to add assigned readings to a course is from the course page. You first need to navigate to the course dashboard, and when you are there, you can click on Add/remove reading(s) to open a drop-down menu and choose to add or remove Summations from the Assigned readings list.


Please note that the drop-down menu only includes the Summations articles that are currently in your reading list. To add Summations from the course page, you first need to add them to your reading list.


If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].